Terms and conditions

Offer valid for new Instacart+ members from 8/14/23 until 9/25/23 at 11:59PM PT and is valid only in the United States and purchased through Instacart.com, while supplies last.

By redeeming this offer, you agree to the Instacart+ Terms, and you acknowledge and agree that after your free 14-day trial ends (if eligible; one per customer), you will be charged $49 for your first year of membership and $99/year thereafter, which will automatically renew every year to any active payment method you have on file until you cancel. Subscription prices are subject to change. Other fees, taxes and/or tips may apply. You can cancel your subscription on the “Your Instacart+ Membership” page by clicking “Cancel Membership”. You may cancel your annual Instacart+ membership within the first five (5) calendar days of your paid Instacart+ membership term and receive a refund of the Instacart+ membership fee you paid, but only if you have not placed any orders using your Instacart+ membership. If you cancel at any other time, you will not receive a refund, but you can continue to enjoy the benefits of your Instacart+ membership through the end of your paid membership term..  Existing Instacart+ members (including trial members) are not eligible for this offer.  With Instacart+, the delivery fee will not be charged on orders over $35 per retailer; delivery subject to availability. Fees, taxes, and/or tips may still apply. Credit back terms apply; excludes alcohol or prescription items. Family Account terms apply. Only one offer per household. Instacart reserves the right to modify or cancel this offer at any time. Offer may not be sold, copied, modified, transferred or used retroactively for prior purchases. Void where restricted or prohibited by law. Offer may not be combined with any other sale, promotion, discount, code, coupon, and/or offer. Offer has no cash value. Instacart is not a retailer or seller. Instacart may not be available in all zip or post codes.